Liverpool 2022Glasgow 2023London 2024


14th & 15th November 2024

Strand, London

Safe Practitioner framework and the GDC new LOs

Registration open Register Here

Provisional Conference Programme

Time Title Speaker/Lead
Thursday 14th November 2024
King’s College London - Strand
9:00-9:30am Registration Great Hall
9:30am-11:30am Joint AM session TBC Great Hall
11:30am-13:30pm Lunch Break Networking/Trade fair/Sponsors and presentations
Buffet lunch is served
Great Hall
14:00-17:00pm 2 Parallel sessions
Workshop for novice researchers
Exploring Dental Anatomy Through Historical Collections, Contemporary Resources, and Emerging Technologies
Strand Campus, Great Hall
Guy’s Campus, Gordon Museum of Pathology, Hodgkin Building
Starts at 18:00pm Social and Networking Event /Reception Strand Campus, Bush House 8th Floor South
Friday 15th November 2024
King’s College London - Strand
8:30am-9:15am Registration & Coffee Great Hall
9:15am-9:30am Introduction Prof Escudier Dean FoDOCS
Prof Janice Ellis
Dr Vivian Binnie
Dr Melanie Nasseripour
9:30am-10:15am Session 1: Plenary lecture
Innovation in Clinical Humanities curriculum
Dr Flora Smyth-Zahra
10:15am-11:00am Coffee Break & Networking/Trade fair Great Hall
11:00am-12:15pm Session 2: SPF Symposium Panel discussion followed by small group breakout sessions Great Hall
12:30pm-13:30pm Lunch Break and Networking/Trade fair/Sponsors
Buffet lunch is served
Great Hall
13:30pm-15:00pm Session 3: Short Oral Research and Scholarship Presentations
Theme 1: TBC
Theme 2: TBC
Theme 3: TBC
15:00pm-15:30pm Coffee Break and Networking/Trade fair
15:30pm-16:15pm Session 4: Closing lecture
Future innovations in Clinical Humanities
Dr. Ourania Varsou
16:15pm-16:30pm Closing Remarks
Evaluation & CPD Collection
Dr Melanie Nasseripour


Registration is open, please head over to the KCL eStore to complete your registration for BARDES 2024

Register Here

Abstract Submission

BARDES Annual Conference offers the opportunity for ‘Novice Education Researchers' to present their work in the form of a 5 minute/5 ppt slide presentation to a friendly and supportive audience. The deadline for submission is 5pm on Friday 18th October.

We will confirm acceptance via email one week later – i.e. by the 25th October, and all presenters MUST be registered for the conference by 1st November – or their abstract will be withdrawn.

We welcome abstracts from Undergraduates, and any colleague up until the level of post-doc (in Education research). Abstracts from colleagues who are post-doc in another research discipline but are starting out in Educational research are welcome also.

Presentations need not be of completed work – they can include a research idea or projects partly completed. We aim to provide support and mentorship in the manner of a 'critical friend'.

This year we are pleased to announce the “Janice Ellis Prize” will be awarded for the best presentation. This will be awarded from combined scoring of the submitted abstract and the oral presentation. Please note it will not be possible to make amendments to abstracts once they have been submitted, so please ensure to submit your final draft.

Please see below the link to a submission form which is the only route by which applications will be accepted.


Queries regarding abstracts should be sent to: [email protected]